Stitch for Good Harvest...
and reap what you've sewn!
Get your free embroidery kit now. Just drop me an email with your postal address. Suits any skill level. Follow easy instructions, spend 10 minutes or ten hours stitching, then send the 8" square of fabric back to me in the envelope provided. Your work will be included in a large embroidered banner exhibited at Harvest It, an event organised by Home and motiroti, in Myatt's Fields Park, Camberwell, London SE5, on September 23rd, 2pm - 5pm. Come see your work exhibited in the park.
Harvest It is a particiaptory art event involving artists working with city farms, allotment organisations, schools and other local groups exploring the theme of harvest across cultures and generations.
For more information on the event, click here.
Labels: harvest it festival, home live art, moti roti